
open true false
variant Info Help
placement top top-start top-end right right-start right-end bottom bottom-start bottom-end left left-start left-end
Examples API Changelog

Attributes and Properties #

Property Attribute Type Default Description label label string | undefined Provides an accessible name for the action button trigger. offset offset number | [number, number] 0 The `offset` property accepts either a single number, to define the offset of the Popover along the main axis from the action button, or 2-tuple, to define the offset along the main axis and the cross axis. placement placement "top" | "top-start" | "top-end" | "right" | "right-start" | "right-end" | "bottom" | "bottom-start" | "bottom-end" | "left" | "left-start" | "left-end" 'bottom-start' variant variant 'info' | 'help' 'info' The `variant` property applies specific styling on the action button trigger.

Slots #

Name Description Text content to display in the popover heading content to display as the heading of the popover link link to additional informations

0.43.0 (2024-06-11) #

Features #

  • contextual-help: add contextual help pattern (#4285) (a259aa3)

Description #

A sp-contextual-help shows a user extra information about the state of either an adjacent component or an entire view. It explains a high-level topic about an experience and can point users to more information elsewhere.

Usage #

See it on NPM! How big is this package in your project?

yarn add @spectrum-web-components/contextual-help

Import the side effectful registration of <sp-contextual-help> via:

import '@spectrum-web-components/contextual-help/sp-contextual-help.js';

When looking to leverage the ContextualHelp base class as a type and/or for extension purposes, do so via:

import { ContextualHelp } from '@spectrum-web-components/contextual-help';

Example #

    <h2 slot="heading">Permission required</h2>
    Your admin must grant you permission before you can create a segment.
        Request permission

Help #

Use variant="help" for helpful content: more detailed, in-depth guidance about a task, UI element, tool, or keyboard shortcuts. This may include an image, video, or link and should be helpful in tone.

<sp-contextual-help variant="help">
    <h2 slot="heading">What is a segment?</h2>
    Segments identify who your visitors are, what devices and services they use,
    where they navigate from, and much more.
        Learn more about segments

Placement #

By default a sp-contextual-help will render its popover at the bottom-start position. This can be customized using the placement attribute and supports all the placement options an overlay-trigger component supports.

<sp-contextual-help placement="top-start">
    <h2 slot="heading">Permission required</h2>
    Your admin must grant you permission before you can create a segment.
        Request permission

Events #

sp-contextual-help does not fire any events of its own. You can listen, however, for the sp-open and sp-closed events which are fired when the popover opens or closes.

Accessibility #

Given that the trigger is an icon-only sp-action-button, it is important to provide an accessible name for it, so that it can be properly announced by screen readers. By default, the sp-contextual-help uses an aria-label property with either "Informations" or "Help" as values, depending on the component's variant. You can customize this using the label attribute.

When providing headings using the heading slot, make sure to provide actual heading elements such as h1, h2, h3 ... or use the role="heading" attribute.